Influencer processa famosa empresa de bonecas por plágio de identidade

Amina Mucciolo disse não ter autorizado brinquedo da MGA Entertainment, fabricante da L.O.L. Surprise e da Bratz

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Publicado em 15 de julho de 2020 às 19:54

- Atualizado há um ano

. Crédito: Foto: Reprodução/Instagram

A americana Amina Mocciolo conquistou mais de 340 mil seguidores no Instagram com seu perfil vibrante e divertido, recheado de muitas - muitas! - cores. Mas a influencer alega também ter inspirado uma empresa gigante dos brinquedos - sem que tivesse dado permissão para isso.

Nas últimas semanas, Amina vem denunciando em seu perfil um suposto plágio feito pela MGA Entertainment, que dona das marcas LOL Suprise e Bratz. De acordo com ela, o grupo agiu de má fé ao criar uma boneca que usava sua identidade visual sem a sua permissão. 

A pele negra, roupas alegres e bolsa com estampa de arco íris são algumas das semelhanças entre a americana e a boneca. Mas a mais gritante é o cabelo azul tiffany com mechas coloridas e preso em maria chiquinhas. Segundo Amina, o visual foi usado por ela entre novembro de 2018 e fevereiro de 2019. Em abril daquele ano, a LOL a contratou como convidada no canal do YouTube. E, em julho, foi lançada a boneca.

"Ela se parece exatamente como eu. Descobri isso pois comecei a receber mensagens me perguntando se eu sabia sobre a boneca e a semelhança impressionante com meu cabelo e meu estilo únicos", escreveu, no Instagram.

Depois que ela postou a denúncia, CEO da LOL, Isaac Larian, se pronunciou no Twitter - e decepcionou. Ele publicou que Amina era uma 'desgraça para as pessoas negras', além de 'mentirosa' e 'fraude'.

A americana, então, disse que vai reagir judicialmente. "Dada a hostilidade da MGA em relação a essa situação, é do meu interesse não interagir com eles. Todas as comunicações estão sendo tratadas através do meu advogado".

A MGA também se posicionou e negou ter plagiado o estilo de Amina. "Vimos as acusações e levamos isso a sério. (...) [a coleção] 'Rainbow Raver' foi projetada por um de nossos talentosos criadores negros, que confirmou que a boneca não era baseada em Amina Mucciolo", disse o comunicado.

"Nossa equipe colorida e criativa é inspirada nas tendências da cultura pop. 'Rainbow Raver' foi inspirada na moda usada nos festivais de música. Respeitamos profundamente a comunidade artística e criativa e não iriamos usufruir de um criador da maneira sugerida. A MGA trabalha incansavelmente para proteger nossa própria propriedade intelectual contra esse comportamento", continuou a empresa.

Em suas redes sociais, Amina segue postando sobre o desenrolar do caso. E, inclusive, criou uma campanha de doações online, para arrecadar recursos para lutar judicialmente contra a empresa.

Ver essa foto no Instagram

RE: #lolsurprise MGA Ent. (See link in bio for full backstory re: MGA stealing my identity to make a doll w/o my permission) Enduring a storm of racially motivated personal attacks from a huge company has been terrifying and stressful to say the least, but your kindness and generosity have really made the difference. Thanks to your support, I was able to hire a lawyer to fight this and protect myself. And while I’m really grateful to have this platform and a community of so many kind people who have offered their help, it’s important that I stress how much I wish I didn’t have to be doing this. I would rather be focusing on stuff like making art, rebuilding Cloudland, and surviving the pandemic, instead of having to defend my identity and integrity against the wrath of a billionaire and his cutthroat toy empire. But I have survived too much and fought too hard to allow another greedy corp to steal the very thing that I’ve worked my entire life to become. I take a lot of pride in my unique identity and all of the things that make me who I am, and an essential part of that is being Black. So I refuse to be silent while this company who sells toys to children, many of them marketed to young Black girls and POC, behaves this way. MGA is using this historic fight for Black liberation to sell toys in one breath and then to bash and discredit me in another. All because I tried to highlight that they were guilty of the very injustices done to Black people that they proclaimed to stand against. And while it’s common knowledge that large companies routinely steal from indie artists, it happens to Black creatives more than you could possibly imagine. But because of racism, when we speak up about these things, we are routinely not believed, silenced, or worse! I have built a career by being myself and celebrating creativity, positivity and self acceptance, and I believe that standing up for myself is an integral part of that. If you would like to help, please swipe through this post and or click the link I’m my bio. This will not be easy, but I will never give up. Thank you so much for being here, your continued support is both needed and deeply appreciated ????.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Amina Mucciolo (@studiomucci) em

Ver essa foto no Instagram

***UPDATE***⁣ ⁣ Hi Friends,⁣⁣ I made a post calling out L.O.L Surprise’s apparent misappropriation of my likeness on 6/7/20. Today I am here to report that the post was removed by @Instagram. #lolsurprise went around social media filing BS copyright claims regarding the photos I used for the doll to try to silence me, when what I did obviously falls under fair use. But that’s OK I have my own doll, and I took a picture myself ????. I’m sharing this again, because I refuse to be silenced by them or anyone else! Since our original post, MGA Ent (their parent company) made a very aggressive attempt to contact us, and then within the hour (before we had a chance to respond) began spreading lies about me and my motivation in bringing this issue to light. Given that they’ve shown us no reason to trust them, I decided that it would be a bad idea to engage them without a lawyer. We are currently in the process of hiring one now. If you would like to know how to help or support us, hit the link in my bio.⁣⁣ PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY ⁣⁣ **ORIGINAL POST**⁣ ⁣⁣ (This is an entirely separate incident from the Lisa Frank situation.)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ L.O.L. Surprise created a doll based on my entire image and identity without my permission. And I haven’t received any acknowledgment or compensation from them in any way. In fact, they are straight up ignoring me. ⁣⁣Here are the facts;⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 1) I wore my hair like this and shared the photos on social media from Nov 2018 to Feb 2019. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 2) In April 2019 LOL surprise reached out to me and hired me to be a guest on their YouTube channel for a kids interior design show. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 3) Then in July of 2019 they released the Rainbow Raver” doll as a part of their “Hair Goals” collection and it looks exactly like me. ⁣ ⁣⁣ 4) I found out about this because I started to receive messages asking me if I knew about the doll, and its striking resemblance to me and my unique hair and outfits. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ SWIPE TO READ THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL POST

Uma publicação compartilhada por Amina Mucciolo (@studiomucci) em